

Street food - Arabic over rice

  每天早上街道轉角的小攤販總飄來陣陣香味,我的腳步總是不自覺地慢慢地往那移動,哇!看看那鐵板上的肉片兒,和著誘人橘顏色的香料,老闆!全給我包起來! .........

Add: Corner of 37th St. and 8th Ave.



Cubicle salmon

March 26, 2007: In USA, office people use to eat lunch in their cubicles. This day, I did the same, chewing some salmon with pasta and fried carrots. It was delicious, especially the pasta - since it was baked together with some cheese and other stuff.
Price: $9
Score: 7/10
Priceworthness: 4/10




想要吃好吃又道地不亂來的美食, 多方搜尋資料準沒錯, 尤以網路口耳相傳的店家最是值得一試。

藉著做展示設計的作業, 便和青蛙來到了天母, 有著不少異國美食的天堂。

看很多網友都對兩家店念念不忘, 總說, 到了天母一定得去吃。一家日式居酒屋, 另外一家就是 劉媽媽炒手。去之前早已有了"這家店不好找"的心理準備, 沒想到真的, 真的很難找。和青蛙繞了天母金石堂一圈又一圈, 都快要放棄的時候才在極隱密處發現劉媽媽炒手的招牌。但事實上也不是說這店有多隱密啦, 只是你不仔細注意, 就很容易晃過去了。

而尋覓台灣好吃的料理也是有些技巧的, 被媒體炒作的那種名店, 十家有九家賣的是大糞, 至於真正用上心的料理, 則總是店面破舊、陰暗、狹小又髒, 往這種店裡鑽, 八成不會失望。(其他兩成就是你沒那鳥運氣啦~)

對他抱以極高期待的炒手乾麵, 果真不同反響, 端上來, 光聞那撲鼻的香氣, 就夠醉人了。將麵條細細攪拌, 使摻著紅油的醬汁和炒手均勻混合, 便迫不及待的送入口。......絕品!那麵有嚼勁又彈牙, 粗細適中的醬料可以很適當的沾裹, 更別說那主角, 炒手, 嫩薄的麵皮、濃郁肉汁的內餡, 吃的我眉開眼笑的。聽從大家的意見選擇小辣, 讓口味再多了層次, 吞嚥下去在舌尖口腔上縈繞的是滿足還有些微嗆鼻的爽快辣味。或者你是吃辣的佼佼者, 也可以拿每個桌上都有的小罐子, 裡面盛著店家特調的辣油, 紅艷艷的辣油拌著辣椒子及其他香料, 嘗起來除了濃厚的辣, 還有清新的香氣跟甘甜的味道。

這實在是家會想要成為熟客的好店, 尤其, 他又有所謂的祕密菜單, 沒有寫在菜單裡的菜色, 是要熟客才會知道的唷~!下次你們也安排個時間, 來天母嚐嚐這好滋味吧!






Taco Bell - 墨西哥捲餅


Add: 523 8th Ave. New York



養老乃瀧Yoronotaki - 日式美食


-Beef Don牛(井+、),$7.95。吃過"吉野家"牛井的先生小姐們,再來吃這個,就會想衝進廚房把廚師給殺了!完全的失敗,成功地,大概就只有附贈的那碗味曾湯(媽呀)。肉片不夠入味、洋蔥生味太重、(什麼,還有大白菜?)大白菜只有20%程度熟,放在這兒不知道是做啥用的,與洋蔥牛肉不搭、醃黃蘿蔔也很糟糕,沒有甜脆的口感、最後是差強人意的肉汁.......果然!操著中文假裝是日本來的廚師果然是不行啊!!!(跟昨天的日本餐廳一樣)回去練練再來騙亞洲人吧,受不了,你那三腳貓的功夫可以騙不懂又愛裝懂的洋人,騙我就省省了。

-California Mali加州壽司捲 $10.25。裡面是加了酪梨及蟳棒的壽司,口味清淡爽口,可惜那個"米粒",感覺煮過頭,太黏滴滴。我第一次吃是在舊金山,便利商店有賣包裝好的壽司,可能因為他們放在冷藏櫃吧,熱熱的天氣配上沁涼爽口的壽司超享受,嗯,這裡真的有差,即使他們是有名的店。

*在美國吃飯最麻煩的就是要給小費,一般來說為消費的10%~15%,老娘是那種一毛不拔的鐵公雞,沒有出現在帳單上的(像是台灣就寫的清清楚楚),要我擠出錢來給你,別想!(所以在舊金山中菜館就被瞪衛生眼)可是這是他們的文化,你只能接受,無法改變,所以,我今晚就試著給小費,但由於那個服務生只問安德斯How's everything?沒問我,我消極的抗議就是只給10%左右,哈哈,真的很消極。

Add: 106 Fulton St. New York




Japanese dessert

March 27, 2007: Stopped by a Japanese place close to the UN building, to have a dessert after the evening meal at home. Fried ice cream and a little warm sake was the result. Not bad.
Price: $8
Score: 6/10



Blueberry milk

Mixed blueberry, strawberry and a fresh piece of papaya with milk, using a mixer. Fluffy! But some minutes in the freezer would probably have made it even better.
Score: 8/10

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Papaya milk

March 25, 2007: This morning, I made some papaya milk. Just take some papaya, add some sugar and milk and put it in a food mixer. Delicious! However, I used brown sugar, and is will probably taste even better with white sugar, which doesn't have so strong taste.
Price: About $3 for two glass
Score: 7/10

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Vietnamese noodle soup

25 March, 2007: Visited the restaurant Thái Son, on 89 Baxter Street, and ordered two very typical Vietnamese dishes; Bò Vien Khong (Rice noodle soup with meat balls, made by beef) and Goi Cuón (Summer roll with shrimp, wrapped with rice paper). The latter was served with a delicious peanut sauce.
The spring rolls did have a feeling of "light" meal, which is understandable since Vietnam is located in tropical area. They tasted good, much thanks to the peanut sauce.
The soup was not bad at all, and had a touch of cinnamon. The rice noodles were perfect, and the meat balls very chewy (in a positive way). Adding lemon to the dish is very typical to Vietnamese food, but it actually made the soup tasting a little too much lemon.
Price: $10 for all
Food score: 7/10
Priceworthness: 6/10



Dim Sum

March 24, 2007: Stopping by a Chinese restaurant to have some wonton soup and some kind of steamed dumplings. The soup was not bad, and the dumplings were really delicious! The reason for the non top score for the soup is that it was a little bit to sweet; The lips actually got sticky after eating.

Price: $7 for all
Score: 7/10
Priceworthness: 6/10



Chicken Lo Mein at King Wok

March 24, 2007: The King Wok Restaurant ("We use no M.S.G.") was very busy with home delivery orders, but almost no people did sit in in the restaurant itself. That is very understandable; The environment was not very relaxing, even though with big pictures from China on the wall. We ordered Chicken Lo Mein, but got Beef Lo Mein. But it was not bad; the meat was very juicy and in thin slices. However, the food was far too salty.
Price: $7 for one quite big serving
Score: 4/10
Priceworthness: 6/10




March 24, 2007: There is a ice cream store in Chinatown, offering ice creams with taste of ginger, as well as green tea, chocolate and mint chip. I did chose the Oreo, which was very tasty. The store was crowded, even though it was quite late in the evening, raining and some snow still on the streets. I can imagine they will make big money when the "real" spring and summer arrives...
Price: $3
Score: 4/10
Priceworthness: 3/10





March 24, 2007: We were offered a package of strawberries when passing by Chinatown. Well, summer is coming, so why not? However, they were quite tasteless. The color was partly red, partly white. Maybe that's why they were so cheap...
Price: $1
Score: 2/10
Priceworthness: 3/10



Home made dumpling soup

March 24, 2007: This is a delicious home made Miso Dumpling Soup. But in fact, the only thing which is home made is the cooking... The dumplings were in fact made in advance and comes from a shop, as well as the miso soup touch. But is was still very delicious! :)
Price: Really cheap
Score: 7/10

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ZZNC - Bubble Tea

March 24, 2007: I was very happy when I found the Tapioca Peals in HongKong Supermarket in New York's Chinatown. After cooking the pearls at home, you can put them into milktea, and voilà: ZhenZhuNaiCha is made. Here in USA, they call it Bubble Tea.
Price: $1.30 for a bag of pearls
Score: 8/10




Hot chocolate at Starbucks

March 23, 2007: On the way home, we stopped at Starbucks for fika, and to grab something to drink. My personal favourite is usual their Chai Tea, but today we shared a hot chocolate - the biggest size. The bottle was very large and the taste was strong, actually a little too strong to drink in the evening.
Price: $3.80
Score: 5/10
Priceworthness: 6/10




Guy & Gallard - 義式混美式熱壓三明治


-Chicken Parmigiana $5.95 + Chicken dumpling soup,$6.95 (Combo w. soup)。很好吃(吼)!會牽絲的馬札瑞拉起士真是棒透了。炸雞肉餅也很香酥鮮嫩,Must eat! 不過,那個雞肉水餃湯,我撈了半天連個我認知裡水餃該有的鬼影子一個也見不著,莫非那吃起來像是沒有攪散的"麵粉塊",就是傳說中的水餃???知道那個挪威畫家孟克的"吶喊"嗎?那表情正是我想表現的(三條線)。

Add: 120 East 34st St. (corner of Lexington Ave.)



Master Yap葉 - 中國菜






Add: 155 East 52nd St. New York



故鄉味 - 中國菜






Add: 1049 2nd Ave. New York (Bet. 55th & 56th St.)



新世界茶餐廳 - 港式美食


-三絲撈麵:三絲指的是叉燒肉、臘肉與雞肉。鹹度適中、麵有嚼勁,一定要來吃啊!Must eat!

-油雞飯:$3.5,上面雖然只有油雞與水煮大白菜(= =" ),但是雞肉一咬下去,就讓我感覺回到香港~Must eat!


Add: 地下鐵Canal St.站下車後,沿著該街往東走,該餐廳在上面寫著China Town華埠字樣的旅客資訊亭對面。




Cuba food in Brooklyn

Feb 18, 2007: Brooklyn is a beautiful place, and there is obviously room for delicious food as well. I recently tried Cuban food, just south of Brooklyn Heights. It was a belly pepper, filled with vegetables and cheese, served with rice and some kind of soup. The serving was maybe a little bit small, and the server was not really keen on speaking Spanish with me, but the food's taste was great!
Price: about $15 per person
Food score: 8/10
Priceworthness: 5/10




量飯店 - 台式自助餐

  我們是被看板吸引過來的:四菜一湯,外帶$3.5、內用$4!媽哩!哪裡找這麼好康的自助餐!!當然是衝啊!Must eat!進去我就"笑"了,裡面傳來蔡啟田卡拉OK版的故鄉,哈哈哈,太有趣了!問了店員,果然老闆是台灣人!台味十足!




Taiwanese restaurant

March 13, 2007: It is something special with eating Taiwanese food. It was really delicious and super cheap. Soup included, but it almost didn't taste anything... Anyway, this was a real enjoyment. I just hope that the restaurant could stop using the styrofoam...
Price: $8 for two people!!
Food score: 8/10
Pricewothness: 9/10




March 17, 2007: Grabbing a pizza after St Patrick's day Parade. One slice with broccoli and chicken, and another with cheese and chicken. The chicken was quite hard, but it felt very healthy to eat broccoli...
Price: $7 for two slices
Food score: 5/10
Priceworthness: 6/10



Metro Deli - 義式混美式熱壓三明治

  知道什麼是"熱壓三明治"嗎?(如果不知道,可以搭公車287、630、617、247、21......在黃石公廟那一站下車,然後往圓環方向走去,在圓環西南角的"Ryan's"可以進去嘗嘗。算是打小廣告啦,之前在那裡打工過。)我點的是Toasted Montecristo,滿滿的是巧達起士及火雞肉,超好吃!(我這個人基本上不喜歡漢堡什麼鬼的)Must eat!


Add: 918 Third Avenue New York



Chicken wrap at Ranck1

March 19, 2007: Ordered a Chicken Ceasar salad "combo", which included iced tea and French Fries. Very delicious, but a little bit too greasy. The Ranck1 was inside another food store, Metro Deli, which served other food as well.
Price: $7
Food score: 5/10
Priceworthness: 6/10



亞三屋 - 馬來西亞美食

Food   這是一間裝潢結合台灣啤酒屋以及南洋風的店,一進去,眼界所及盡是喝著啤酒吃著小菜的人,哇!有台味,太有趣啦!


 -海南雞($4.75):雞皮顏色漂亮、肉質鮮嫩富油脂、特製的酸辣醬料相當對味、小黃瓜也很爽口!Must eat! 補充:我永遠忘不了那時去完雲南在香港等轉機的那兩個小時,因為持台胞證可以入境香港一次,我和安德斯、小吳,發了瘋似的急忙入境,然後跑去"大家樂"點"海南雞飯"來吃,吃完再匆匆出境的蠢事(很久以後,某次在香港機場海關內發現也有大家樂,也就是說我們那時候根本不需要衝出去再衝回來,只為了那一頓.......)

Add: 11 Allen Street New York



Skyway - Malaysian food

March 19, 2007: Visited the Malaysian restaurant Skyway in Chinatown. The Hainaness Chicken should be in room temperature, that's fine, but I still think chicken shouldn't be well done - not with too much blood inside. The other dish was Garlic with Snow Peas Tips; useful for people who just got a cold (like me).
Total price: $20 for 2 persons.
Food score: 4/10
Priceworthness: 4/10



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